Using moves that would make any rock climber jealous, these death-defying goats expertly make their way up an almost vertical dam. Photographer Paolo Seimandi, 34,
Category: Amazing Nature
Exрlorіng the world’ѕ nаturаl wonderѕ іѕ аn аdventure іn іtѕelf, but dіѕcoverіng а hіdden world deeр beneаth the ісe аnd ѕnow іѕ а ѕurreаl exрerіence.
It dаteѕ bасk to the ѕtone аge аnd formѕ one of the eаrlіeѕt humаn ѕettlementѕ іn Itаly – аnd іѕ ѕtіll іnhаbіted. Lookіng lіke а
The ‘Boot house’ reminded fans of the nursery rhyme from 1794 (Image: Abandoned UK/Facebook) Urban explorers have unearthed a boot-shaped house hidden deep inside some woods in
Dragon’s Blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) – Socotra island Narrates the story of the first drop of blood between the two brothers “Abel and Cain”, Dragon’s
While the SS Ayrfield was once a proud steam cargo ship, even used in World War II, its decaying shipwreck now stands as the famous
This stand of bent pine trees known as the Crooked Forest is easily one of the strangest places in Central Europe. Located outside of Nowe
We humans like to think that we’re in charge of the planet we live on. Without being able to collectively decide how it should be
This phenomenon of nature occurs when freezing rain is deposited on the fruit and is “burning” it. Because of this, apples begin to decompose, leaving
After the Crowley Lake reservoir in California was completed in 1941, some column-like formations with cracks ringing around them were spotted on the eastern shore.